Friday, August 13, 2010

Question 2,4 & 5 by Yeo Jun Peng

Question 2:

Which of the given statements is correct? Justify your answer/s with examples.

A ) A square and a parallelogram are quadrilaterals.

B ) Opposite sides of a square and a parallelogram are parallel.

C ) A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides.

D ) All the above

Ans : D


Quadrilaterals are a four-sided figure. Both the square and the parallelogram are four-sided figure, hence they are quadrilateral.

Then length of each side of the square are same, hence opposite sides of a square are parallel. The length of opposite side of the parallelogram are parallel to each other. Hence both the square and parallelogram have opposite sides that are parallel.

Question 4:
'All parallelograms are squares?' Do you agree with this statement?
Justify your answer with example/s.

Ans: No I do not agree with this statement. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. Even though the square is like that, there are also other shapes that fulfill these points. A few examples are rhombus, trapezium and rectangle.

Question 5:

ABCD is a parallelogram. If E is midpoint of AD and F is midpoint of BC show, with reasons, that BFDE must be a parallelogram.

Ans: The opposite sides are the same and parallel to each other. The adjacent angles adds up to 180 degrees and the opposite angles are the same.Therefore, we can conclude that it is a parallelogram.

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